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Protein Name: BTB/POZ domain-containing adapter for CUL3-mediated RhoA degradation protein 2

UniprotKB/SwissProt ID: BACD2_HUMAN (Q13829)

Gene Name: TNFAIP1

Synonyms: BACURD2, EDP1

Organism: Homo sapiens (Human).

Function: Substrate-specific adapter of a BCR (BTB-CUL3-RBX1) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex involved in regulation of cytoskeleton structure. The BCR(BACURD2) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex mediates the ubiquitination of RHOA, leading to its degradation by the proteasome, thereby regulating the actin cytoskeleton and cell migration. Its interaction with RHOB may regulate apoptosis. May enhance the PCNA-dependent DNA polymerase delta activity.

Other Modifications: View all modification sites in dbPTM

Protein Subcellular Localization: Cytoplasm. Nucleus. Endosome. Note=Colocalizes with RHOB in endosomes.

Graphical Visualization of Ubiquitination Sites:
Overview of Protein Ubiquitination Sites with Functional and Structural Information

The ubiquitination sites of BACD2_HUMAN

No. Position Ubiquitinated Peptide Secondary Structure Solvent Accessibility Substrate Motifs PubMed ID
121PKLSGF K GGGLGN   61.24%21890473
267MEVLTD K EGWILI   53.55%2190698

The interacting network mediated by proteins: BACD2_HUMAN

Metabolic pathway:
Kegg map ID Pathway
map03008Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes