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Protein Name: E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF216

UniprotKB/SwissProt ID: RN216_HUMAN (Q9NWF9)

Gene Name: RNF216

Synonyms: TRIAD3, UBCE7IP1, ZIN

Organism: Homo sapiens (Human).

Function: Isoform 1 acts as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, which accepts ubiquitin from specific E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, and then transfers it to substrates promoting their degradation by the proteasome. Promotes degradation of TRAF3, TLR4 and TLR9. Contributes to the regulation of antiviral responses. Down- regulates activation of NF-kappa-B, IRF3 activation and IFNB production. Isoform 3/ZIN inhibits TNF and IL-1 mediated activation of NF-kappa-B. Promotes TNF and RIP mediated apoptosis.

Other Modifications: View all modification sites in dbPTM

Protein Subcellular Localization: Cytoplasm.

Graphical Visualization of Ubiquitination Sites:
Overview of Protein Ubiquitination Sites with Functional and Structural Information

The ubiquitination sites of RN216_HUMAN

No. Position Ubiquitinated Peptide Secondary Structure Solvent Accessibility Substrate Motifs PubMed ID
1100QTEREP K PGPSHN   58.83%21906983
2351ASQDET K LPKIDF   61.82%21906983
3362DFFDYS K LTPLDQ   50.59%21906983
4391LSSQDI K WALHEL   34.40%21890473
5425SPETSG K RKKRKQ   61.89%21906983
6485QEFYEQ K IKEMAE   43.75%21906983
7584PQTILY K YYERKA   37.60%21890473
8666RTSIEE K MTAARI   28.85%21906983
9765NGENTF K RIGPPL   40.86%21906983
10773IGPPLE K PVEKVQ   63.14%2190698

The interacting network mediated by proteins: RN216_HUMAN

Metabolic pathway:
Kegg map ID Pathway
map03008Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes